Emerging from the pandemic debt free

credit debt

Financial health can be just as important as physical health. As America begins to emerge from the devastating pandemic, many people now must cope with the reality that courts are again open, and creditors have again begun to call. At The Law Offices of Adam M. Freiman, we are able to offer you options, including bankruptcy relief, to make the reopening of the country stress and debt free for you and for your family.

Generally speaking, those seeking debt relief today have found that their financial situation has worsened during the shut down, but that the pressure from bill collectors has not been as persistent. Be assured, the pandemic has hurt all industries, including credit card companies, and debt collection companies. They are eager to begin collecting again, and as courts continue to reopen, lawsuits will be coming. We recommend being proactive, and seeking help from an experienced debt relief and bankruptcy attorney like at The Law Offices of Adam M. Freiman.

Others who have been lulled into a false sense of security are homeowners. Most major mortgage companies granted deferments, or forbearances to their customers. While the relief from making mortgage payments for as much as a year was helpful to people during the pandemic, it has left millions of homeowners behind in the mortgage payments. Even industry professionals, such as this author, have no clarity as to exactly how those missed payments will be repaid. Will those payments, and the accumulated interest be forgiven? Highly unlikely. Those payments will be added to the balance of the loan, and in some cases payment could be required now. Again, lawyers at The Law Offices of Adam M. Freiman can help you. We can help with bankruptcy, debt relief, missed mortgage payments or mortgage forbearance agreements.

Call Today 410-486-3500 or adam@pikesvillelaw.com


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